Spirit Filled Bible College
HAVE FAITH IN GOD: Mark.11:22. AND JESUS ANSWERING SAITH UNTO THEM HAVE FAITH IN GOD. This is very important instruction and command from our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Have faith in God. We live in a world filled with a lot of challenges, wickedness, evil and evil spirits. A world filled with problems that are beyond human and scientific solutions. It is only faith in God that can get you outof such problems and challenges of life. The scientist, the physiologist, the philosopher, environmentalist, the technologist and the medical people do not have answer to majority of man’s problems, be it environmental, spiritual, physical, mental and marital problems. It is only God that has absolute solution to all the problems of man. The Lord said LOOK UNTO ME AND BE YE SAVED, ALL THE ENDS OF THE EARTH FOR I AM GOD AND THERE IS NONE ELSE. Isaiah.45:22. IT IS BETTER TO TRUST IN GOD THAN TO PUT CONFIDENCE IN MAN. Ps.118:8-9. Man will disappoint you, but God will never disappoint you. BLESSED IS THE MAN THAT TRUSTETH IN THE LORD, WHOSE HOPE THE LORD IS. Jeremiah.17:5-8. It is absolute faith in God that can lift a man out of the valley to the mountain of freedom and liberty. Whatever your situation in life have faith in God and it will be well unto you and to your soul. Through faith in God your sins can be forgiving us and you will be made a new creature. Eph.2:8-9. With faith in God you can be healed and be made whole. Mt.15:5-13. With faith in God all things will be possible unto you. Mk.9:23. HAVE FAITH IN GOD AND ALL WILL BE WELL WITH YOU. 

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Spirit Filled Bible College